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SAS 1: Introduction to SAS

SAS 1: Introduction to SAS In-Person

This workshop is the first in a two-part series on SAS. SAS is a statistical software package that is widely used by scientists throughout the health sciences and demography for analysis of quantitative data ranging from simple descriptive analysis to complex statistical modeling.

Please note: This workshop completes all analysis using code. No previous knowledge of coding is required.

Workshop Topics:

  • Opening data
  • Analysis: summary statistics, Chi-square, ANOVA, regression
  • Frequency distributions

Prerequisites: None.


  • This is the first workshop in a two-part series (SAS 2 is the second).
  • This workshop is for the Windows version of SAS.
  • Please read our Workshops ~ Etiquette & Policies page for pertinent information to your workshop attendance.

Presenter: Raeda Anderson, Ph.D., Quantitative Data Specialist and member of the Library's Research Data Services Team


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IMPORTANT: Effective Fall 2019 semester:

  • RDS workshops will no longer have registration but instead will be on a first-come-first-serve basis: The first 25 people to arrive *on time* will be able to attend the workshop.

  • Workshop instructors may choose to refuse admittance to those arriving more than 5 minutes late.

Thursday, November 14, 2019
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Classroom 2, Library North 2
Downtown Campus Library
  Data Services Workshops     Faculty Workshops     Graduate Workshops  

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